Put new stickers on your shop

Předpokládaná doba čtení: 2 minuty

You want to avoid repeated questions about whether your establishment accepts eBenefity? Stick our brand new stickers on your property and save them the time and energy spent on verification and tracking. Contact us and we will be happy to deliver them directly to your address.

samolepka eBenefity

Why new stickers?

When customers visit you, a highly visible sticker makes sure they can use their eBenefity from Up CR. In addition, our new stickers confirm that you can also pay with Apple Pay or Google Pay. This will save your visitors the hassle of verifying your establishment in our search engine.

You can get the stickers in two sizes: 45×45 mm and 80×80 mm. Step towards change with us. Do you like them and are you interested? Contact us!


Innovation Marketing Manager

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